COVID-19: Urgent action needed to support community organisations

COVID-19: Urgent action needed to support community organisations

Why we need urgent government action to support our communities and community organisations through this crisis. Now more than ever we need strong and resilient communities, to support us all through the immediate crisis and in the months and years ahead. Says Tony...
Stopping Homelessness Before it Starts

Stopping Homelessness Before it Starts

Goddard Riverside Community Center of New York in the USA has been an active participant in the Right to Counsel movement, which passed a bill in 2017 providing free lawyers for people facing eviction in NYC. New statistics show the law is working, and other states...
Inspiration and solidarity

Inspiration and solidarity

Why our international relationships matter now more than ever. Bursaries for Locality members to attend the IFS conference in Sydney. Tony Armstrong, Locality chief executive in London, UK, discusses the importance of building and maintaining strong international...
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