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IFS Team

Pentti Lemmetyinen

Pentti Lemmetyinen

IFS President

Can Yaşmut, IFS Executive Director
CEO, Local Community Services Association Australia

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions about the management of the host office, governance of the International Federation of Settlements (IFS), IFS policies, finances, media inquiries, or membership escalation matters. The team and I are always here to help, and we look forward to connecting with you!

P: +61 2 9660 2044
M: +61 458 250 171

Junias Kanyinda

Junias Kanyinda

Communications Officer

+358 50 596 4507

Ask me about:

web updates, e-newsletters, and events

Staffan Lindqvist Executive Advisor 


Ask me about:

As the previous Executive Director, I am supporting the transition of the host office to Australia and dealing with any historical outstanding accounts and membership issues while supporting EFS as Vice president.

+46 723119400


Michael Shreenan, IFS Operations Manager (LCSA)
CEO, Counterpoint Community Services Inc
Founder, Provocare Coaching

I’m here to assist with any operational support issues, including host office transition, implementation of the strategic plan, IFS programs, meeting activities, news updates, initial invoice enquiries, and membership-related concerns. Don’t hesitate to contact us– We are looking forward to working with you!

M: +61 413 124 61

Host Office 

Local Community Services Association (LCSA) is the peak body of Neighbourhood and Community Centres in NSW Australia and the new IFS Host Office