Sharing is caring webinar – Staying close while social distancing

04 / 06 / 2020 | News


A social talk with an international perspective where actors from Europe, the United States and Australia share best practice on how we keep contact with our societies’ most vulnerable during the pandemic.

The webinar will be organised by the Danish Settlement AskovFonden, a member of the international Network– International Fédération of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers (IFS).

IFS members represent thousands of local organizations in more than 30 countries. They are active across a full range of social, economic, cultural, educational, and environmental needs in their communities. This great diversity of practical skills is a key strength in tackling the complex problems facing communities and individuals today. This social talk will gather some of our members and create room for sharing and caring. Sharing ideas, experience, and thoughts during the pandemic.

The webinar will provide insight into how different organizations in different countries have coped with lockdowns, reduced activities and how they still have been able to provide support for the most vulnerable in society. In addition to addressing how we slowly return to a more normal situation.

The creativity needed. Our worries? What has been successful? What has surprised us? What have we learned in this period? What central knowledge have we acquired? What is important to have in mind in a similar situation in the future?

A learning salon – cross countries – where we all face the same problem, fears and hopes, despite different strategies and origin.


Annika Svensson Development Director at AskovFonden Settlement – Denmark.

Keynote speakers

Melissa Aase, Executive Director University Settlement New York – USA.

Joanna Holmes, CEO Barton Hill Settlement – United Kingdom.

Pentti Lemmetyinen, CEO Setlementti – Finland.

Staffan Lindqvist , Executive Director IFS – Svenska Settlementförbundet – Sweden.

Céline Chartier, communication manager Fédération des centres socioculturels des Deux-Sèvres – France.

Can Yasmut, Executive Officer Local Community Services Association, LCSA – Australia.

Stine Hamburger, director AskovFonden KBH+- Denmark.

The webinar will be transmitted via Zoom the 18th of June at 14.00 (2.00 pm) CEST. We have 100 spaces available – so please register by sending an e-mail to

The webinar will be recorded for those who don’t get at space.

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