IFS Fostering Social Justice is a strategic European program run by the IFS network in 2021-2024 to enhance cooperation between IFS members around innovative practices in adult non-formal education, and to influence international institutions on active citizenship, migrant integration, and social inclusion.
Project’s objective
Foster European cooperation and strengthen the capacity of the IFS network to provide and advocate for effective adult learning opportunities targeted to people with fewer opportunities, migrants, and refugees by means of mutual learning, peer counselling and capacity building.
Specific objectives
- To train, equip and support professionals and educators of IFS members in developing and setting up educational projects in the field of social inclusion or justice, active citizenship, and migrants’ integration.
- To upscale IFS strategies and processes to improve European cooperation and advocacy in the field of adult education.
Countries involved in the project
France, Italy, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Spain, Hungary, the Netherlands, Greece, Denmark and Austria.
Useful information about the IFS Fostering Social Justice project
- Programme Background & partners.
- Concept note IFS Fostering Social Justice
- The role of participants in the description study visits
- See the project’s Impact diagram draft v2
- IFS Fostering social justice program’s flyer
The Participants in this programme are representatives from the countries mentioned above. They are going to spend 4 days on a study visit to discover the way volunteers and professionals of your organisation are using innovative practices in the fields of active citizenship, migrant integration and social inclusion.
Project presentation
Please click on the picture below to watch the project’s presentation video.
Project’s coordinator
Sophie Michelena, Project Manager at Fédération nationale des centres sociaux et socioculturels de France is responsible for the project. If you need more information about the IFS Fostering Social Justice’s project, please feel free to contact Sophie at sophie.michelena@centres-sociaux.fr
Do you want to know more about the project and its activities? Please visit the project e-platform at https://ifsnetwork.org/e-platform/ or click on the picture below: