IFS Office News & Activities

16 / 12 / 2021 | Conference, Event

Updates from the IFS Office and other news

Webinars and other meetings:

  • “Honour Related Violence”, presented by Silja Havu from the Finnish Federation of Settlements, was held on March 9th. There will be a follow-up webinar in the fall.
  • “Domestic Violence” was held as a side event at the UN by Annika Svensson and Helle Öbo from Askovfonden on March 16th.
  • Middle Manager Meeting on “Health” connected to the International Day on Health on April 29th. Presenters are Sunday Ibobor from Umuebu Neighborhood House in Nigeria and Rahbel Rahman from Fordham University.
  • “Implications of the war in Ukraine: democratic crossroads in Eastern Europe” webinar on June 9th. Presenters will be Professor Katalyn Miklossy from Helsinki University and Dr George Demacopoulos from Fordham University. Read more
  • There will be a webinar about the refugees’ situation in Hungary and Romania; more information about the date is coming soon. The Presenters will be Peter Giczey from Eletfa and Anna Maria Georgies from the Women´s organisation of Bihor.

Other news:

  • Application for membership of the IFS Board: Annika Svensson from Askovfonden in Denmark is now part of the IFS Board.
  • Creation of IFS Africa. Its strategy had been adopted.
  • The IFS Fostering Social Justice organised a Strategic Seminar in Lund in March.
  • Creation of IFS Funding Group. The group is coordinated by Paul Sekfy. IFS Board member. It had its first meeting on March 1st.
  • IFS Fostering Social Justice’s e-platform is public and can be found at https://ifsnetwork.org/e-platform/
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