Working groups

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Because IFS members are scattered throughout the globe, several regional groups have been formed to further enhance connectivity, communication and exchange.

UN group New York 

IFS is one of less than 200 NGO´s to hold general consultative status with the United Nations ECOSOC. This group is working to make best use of this possibility in UN New York. 

Contact: Roberta Nassar Christopher Hanway

UN group Geneva

UN group Geneva is based in Europe and aiming IFS to be as active in Geneva as in New York.

Communication group

This work group is mainly focusing at improving IFS internal and external communication. 

By-laws group 

This group are revising the IFS by-laws and will present a suggestion to the members at the General Meeting 2020. 

Group for financial sustainability and growth in IFS

IFS is in one way a big organisation with around 11 000 local associated member organisations but the office is small and relying on membership fees. In order to get a more financially stable organisation this group is trying to find ways to secure the financial sustainability and growth for the organisation. 

For more information, please read bylaws.