Pentti Lemmetyinen Retires as CEO of Finnish Federation of Settlement Houses
Reflections and Insights: An Interview with Pentti Lemmetyinen, Former CEO of the Finnish Federation of Settlement Houses
As Pentti Lemmetyinen retires from his role as the CEO of the Finnish Federation of Settlement Houses (FFSH), he leaves behind a remarkable legacy of leadership and service. For over three decades, Pentti’s work has shaped the organization’s growth, community engagement, and international outreach. In this exclusive interview, Pentti reflects on his journey, the challenges he faced, the achievements he is most proud of, and his hopes for the future of the Finnish Federation. Juha-Erkki Mäntyniemi took over as the new CEO of FFSH on March 3rd.
Background and Career
Could you please share a bit about your background and what initially inspired you to join the Finnish Federation of Settlement Houses?
It happened by chance, really. 33 years ago, I was working as a teacher and family counselor. I was asked to join the board of a local settlement house and shortly afterwards to become its director. At that time, Finland was going through a severe economic recession, and the importance of the work of the Settlement House was growing. There was a desire to develop new ways of working to strengthen civil society.
What have been the most fulfilling aspects of your role as CEO over the years?
The most important thing has been being part of a community whose values and worldview I have found easy to relate to. I enjoy working with others, and it has been great to be able to make a difference in society.
Leadership at the Finnish Federation
During your time as CEO, what are the key changes or accomplishments you’re most proud of in the organization?
I can’t say that I’m proud, but I am happy and grateful that the importance and volume of settlement work in Finland has grown.
What were some of the biggest challenges you faced during your leadership, and how did you overcome them?
The Settlement Association in Finland is also a social enterprise. We build community-based rental houses, which involves many skills I didn’t have at the beginning. I have studied business administration and gained confidence and understanding from that.
I have been able to work under good and supportive boards. Without that, things would not have worked out.
How has the Finnish Federation evolved under your leadership, particularly in terms of community engagement and service delivery?
In Finland, there are now about 50 localities where settlement work is carried out. There are almost 3,000 employees and an equal number of volunteers. As always, community work is based on the needs of local people. Cooperation is active, and local settlements have been skilled in providing services and improving people’s well-being.
IFS Presidency and International Work
You have been the president of IFS since 2016. How do you think the role of IFS has evolved over the years, particularly in terms of its international outreach and influence?
Many new countries from around the world have joined the IFS in recent years. I think this shows that there is an interest in the values and working methods of the IFS and a need for people to join a team that defends democracy, equality, and social justice.
You’ve seen the organization’s international involvement grow significantly. What role do you believe international work plays in the mission of the Finnish Federation?
One of the key starting points for Settlement work is localism. Today, the concept of localism is expanding. The idea is that the world is, in fact, shared, and local communities are interconnected. In all its misery, the pandemic was a shared experience worldwide, and during it, we learned to use new tools to connect with each other. You don’t always have to travel far to meet international colleagues. Finns are increasingly interested in being part of a large international family of settlements. I am happy about that!
How do you think global partnerships and collaboration have helped strengthen the work we do within Finland?
In many ways! Firstly, it is great to learn from others. What works elsewhere will certainly work in Finland. It’s great to exchange ideas, to learn from different practices, and, above all, to experience friendship and mutual understanding.
The Future and Legacy
Even though you’ve retired from your role at the Finnish Federation, you’ll remain the IFS president until nearly the end of the year. What are your goals for the remainder of your presidency, and what do you hope to accomplish in this time?
The IFS Board will elect a new President this year. My own goal is to assist in any way I can to help our LCSA colleagues with the transition of the IFS office to Sydney. I hope that a good transition process can be achieved between myself and the new President.
As you retire, what do you hope your legacy will be at the Finnish Federation?
I hope that the Settlement movement will grow, hold on to its values, find new ways to build peace, strengthen democratic structures in society, and never forget its roots.
What are your hopes for the future of the organization, particularly in terms of its international reach and impact?
I have personally experienced the love and connection of the international Settlement family. I sincerely wish the same experience and empowerment for everyone else. The more troubled the world is, the more important it is to hold on to this family.
Do you have any advice for the next generation of leaders in the Federation?
I don’t really know how to give advice to others. But I will say that it has been important for me to learn to think that whatever happens, everything will always be fine in some mysterious way. It gives a leader inner peace and courage.
I hope that the new leaders will read and listen to the story of the Settlement Movement. How it has worked through wars and other social upheavals. That great story must not be broken, but renewed, and new ways of working in changing situations must be found.
Personal Reflections
Looking back on your career, how has your perspective on social services and community development evolved?
When I came to work in the settlement movement 33 years ago, there was a deep economic crisis in my country. We had to realize that the time of the welfare state was over. It was a momentum for active citizenship and civil organizations. After that, the Settlement movement has doubled its operating volume. Now, in the best case, the public sector and NGOs are working together, and both have their own roles. Both are crucially important for people, local communities, and society. Now we don’t talk so much about the welfare state but about the welfare society.
How do you plan to stay involved with the Federation and the sector in your retirement?
My role has changed as I don’t work for the Federation anymore. But for sure, I’ll be active in the sector somehow. The time will show how.
Interview by Junias Kanyinda