Migrant integration

The partners in this category or field will focus on sharing different tools and good practices to support migrant integration as a citizen and part of the local community by:

  • Engaging in an educational programme to foster the integration and autonomy of migrants by creating individual socio-economic integration paths considering their skills, abilities, ambitions and previous professional experiences.
  • Creating Community schools is a model used in communities where the majority are migrants and reaches residents of all ages to allow for social bonds among people.
  • Bringing refugees and inhabitants together to develop initiatives and projects aiming to share and exchange skills, stories about their social and cultural backgrounds in favour of intercultural understanding.
  • Creating educational programmes such as integration guides targeting newly arrived migrants. The guides work with refugees to improve their situation and facilitate their integration and participation as active citizens.
  • Opening bumping spaces such as “Cafés” and spin-off activities provide language training for refugees and facilitate connections with locals to support their integration process in the local communities. 
  • Working with migrants to identify their needs and create learning materials according to the outcomes of the need’s assessment.
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