IFS Fostering Social Study Visits’ Year Two : Here we go again!
The IFS Fostering Social Justice’s Study Visits’ participants recruitment is on!
The partners in the project IFS Fostering Social Justice are recruiting participants to the Study Visits of 2022. In this link, you will find Study Visits details and dates.
The countries involved are Finland, Sweden, Hungary, the Netherlands, Denmark and Greece. The Capitalisation Seminar for this year will take place in Germany. Keep tuned for more information about the project on the IFSJ e-platform and IFSJ Facebook group, and the IFS webpage.
The project organized 6 study visits in France, Italy, Germany, Austria, The Netherlands and Spain. The outcomes of the study visits in 2021 are different materials from the Capitalisation Seminar in Italy, blogs in which participants shared their experiences, a Final Report and a Summary of Impact on the participants .