IFSJ Online meeting on organizing national events

13 / 09 / 2022

Dear IFSJ Coordinators,

Welcome to the webinar about organizing national events on September 22, 15.00 – 16.30 EEST! This is a conversation about our experiences, tips, and ideas on the subject.

The main speakers in the meeting are:

  1. Staffan Lindqvist, IFS Executive Director and IFSJ national coordinator in Sweden. What type of event did you organise with the Swedish minister?
  2. Sophie Michelena, IFSJ project manager from France. How did our team manage to speak about IFSJ at a conference at the European Parliament?
  3. Adriana Persia, national coordinator from Italy. Tips on how to organise a public debate with local decision makers

The discussion will also touch on the following points:

  1. Highlights from the European Parliament event
  2. What stakeholder(s) to target?
  3. What type of event works?
  4. What tools do we have?
  5. How do we report to the programme?

–> You will leave the webinar with more information, and ideas about how to plan your next events and meetings in your country!

We expect the meeting will last 1,5 hours, and we hope you come prepared with any questions, tips, and ideas you have. We’ve got a great team set up and look forward to hearing what we accomplish together. JOIN US HERE

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