Welcome to use the assessment tool that helps your organization to promote added community values to your regular activities!
This tool has the form of a questionnaire that helps you to assess to what degree your organization are promoting added community values, like social inclusion, local identity, active citizenship and “green” values, while performing your regular activities.
The tool is free of charge and is available in the following languages;
Swedish Kp8
Under “Good Practices” on this web site, you can find inspirational examples of how cultural organizations promote added community values in their activities.
Good luck with using the tool!
More about the ADDED project and the tool
The overall aim of the project is to support lifelong learning providers in the sector of amateur arts, voluntary culture, and heritage in the Nordic – Baltic region to gain better methods and tools to assess and compare the added community values of their cultural activities. Until now, learning providers in the sector can find and use many good practice examples from peers
as inspiration, but they still need more systematic tools and methods on how to assess own activities and get pathfinders for improved practice.
The objectives are thus to:
- Provide a combined desk and field survey to clarify the state of arts of added community values in the cross-cultural civil society sector, and thereby to disclose relevant focus points, topics and related indicators regarding four key areas of added values: 1) Local identity and social cohesion; 2) Social inclusion; 3) Active citizenship & democracy; 4) Environmental sustainability.
- Develop an appropriate online Benchmarking Tool incl. methodological guideline, which allows the stakeholders to assess the added values of their activities in different dimensions and categories of societal benefits.
- Disseminate the results to the wider cross-cultural civil society communities and other key stakeholders in the Nordic – Baltic region in a sustainable manner. After the end of the project, we will embed the developed methods and tools in our own networks’ daily practice; and we intend to multiplicate the results to other culture associations and to mainstream the results to decision-makers, researchers, and other multipliers in our Nordic and Baltic communities.