IFSJ Study Visit Report – Italy 2021
The IFS Fostering Social Justice’s Study Visit in Italy took place in October 18-22, 2021. The host partner was ARCS Culture Solidali. The study visit’s theme was Migrant Integration and Active Citizenship with the project “Grande Come una Città”.
“Grande Come una Città” (“Big Like a City”) is a cultural and political movement of citizens. More than 700 citizens became active, organizing themselves in more than 30 working groups, focusing on different topics such as anthropology and social psychology, arts. history, communication, common goods, migration issues, gender issues etc. The idea has been to start up a permanent public pedagogy initiative in a municipality counting more than 200.000 inhabitants.
A click on the picture below will take you to the report from the IFSJ 2021’s Study Visit in Italy.