For You on Social Media Project – Tackling bullying and youth harassment on Social Media
Event Description
The “For You on Social Media” project is founded to address sexual harassment and bullying on Social Media. With partner organisations, Loisto Setlementti works with children and youth aged 8 – 21. Their discussion topics are sexual messages from adults and teens, receiving/requests for nudes, bullying and nasty comments. Ms Reetta Hänninen, Digital Youthwork Expert, kindly invites you to the project presentation. Feel free to share with youth workers in your local organisations.
Reetta Hänninen, Digital Youthwork Expert from Loisto Setlmenetti in Helsinki.
Date & time
September 8, 2022 at 15.00 – 16.30 EEST. CLICK HERE TO JOIN US or contact for more information about the project.